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Interview with 2024 Traction Speaker Jim Frady, Passenger & Light Truck Development Director, Michelin

Why have you decided to present at the Smithers Traction Summit 2024?
Sustainability is a core and guiding value at Michelin on all levels, but how does this influence sustainable tire performance?  While everyone in the automotive industry understands the environmental benefits of lower tire rolling resistance, how does tire longevity fit into the sustainability picture?

Your presentation is titled " The Impact of Electric Vehicles on Tire Sustainability” can you tell us why you felt this topic should be shared with the Smithers Traction audience?
For decades, OEMs have been demanding lower tire rolling resistance from tire suppliers in order to help optimize vehicle fuel economy.  All tire makers who compete in the OE arena have felt this pressure and have responded with introducing technologies to lower tire rolling resistance while trying to minimize other tire performance trade-offs such as traction or longevity.  Now, as BEVs are becoming a larger part of the US auto park, the pressure from OEMs to supply even lower rolling resistance tires remains as high as ever since lowering tire rolling resistance is an enabler for maximizing EV battery range.

What do you hope delegates will take from your presentation?
I hope delegates will be enlightened about the sustainability relationship between tire rolling resistance and tire longevity.

What industry barriers/challenges exist, technical or otherwise, that prevent progress? How does this event help to address those challenges?
Most tier 1 tire companies have dramatically reduced tire rolling resistance in their products over the past decades.  As the car park electrifies and the power grid becomes greener, we have the challenge and indeed the environmental responsibility to combine low rolling resistance with ever improving tire longevity.  This is especially challenging as the increased weight of BEVs actually significantly reduces tire longevity.

What are some of the most interesting and/or innovative solutions that are impacting your work currently?
Michelin continues to invest in new technologies to simultaneously lower tire rolling resistance and increase tire longevity.  This combination of low rolling resistance and longer wearing tires is a powerful sustainability lever as more BEVs enter the market.

What are you most looking forward to at the conference?
I am looking forward to networking and sharing information about tire sustainability from a tire performance point of view.